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Santa treat sublimated glass chopping board

Please note this item can come personalised as shown in the image so please leave the names provided in the box provided. If no note is left then this will be sublimated without any names (names would not be able to be added at a later date so will read 'thank you for stopping by our house Love from')

This is a glass chopping board with the design sublimated onto the reverse to show the image through.

This item can come on either a smooth or textured chopping board (please note image is shown on smooth and image may not be as clear on a textured chopping board).

The approximate size of the chopping board is a4 (however size may differ slightly). These will be provided with 4x self adhesive feet for you to apply upon receipt (please note upon application of feet there may be a slight wobble on the board as we cannot guarantee that all feet are the exact same thickness) 

Please note we will only send a maximum of 7 in one parcel, so for every 7 chopping boards we will send in separate parcels (eg up to 7 chopping boards = 1 parcel,  8-15 chopping boards = 2 parcel etc.)

Board finish
Regular price £8.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £8.50 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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